Wednesday, January 16, 2008

JCCAA Leisure Learning Club 2008 China Trip

Registration: Before March 1st with registration form, down payment and passport photo copy

Spaces are limited, first come first serve

Group Name: JCCAA/LLC Travel Date: Group A: 5/25-6/2, Group B: 5/22-6/4 Air: American Airline

Title Passport Name Chinese Name Date of Birth Passport # Expiration Date Citizenship




Mailing Address: (NO P O BOX) ________________________________________________________________

City State: ___________ Zip

Home Phone: ( ) _________________ Work Phone: ( ) ________________ ____

Cell Phone: ( ) _________________ Email Address: _ ___________ ____________

AA Advantage Number 1.______________ 2.______________ 3.______________

Trip Category (Circle One): All rates quoted in U.S. dollars per guest, double occupancy, * non-JCCAA/LLC member add $50

Group A: 黃山江南風情九日遊 [ ] $1899 Group B: 上海懷舊五曰游 + 黃山江南風情九日遊 [ ] $2499

Single - Group A [ ] Group B [ ] (Price to be announced)

Vacation Protection Plan Option for US Citizen or US Resident only; please call Tour Group Leader for detail

Special Celebration: _________________________________________________________________________

Special Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________

Down Payment Group A: $ 500 X _____ people = $ __________

Down Payment Group B: $ 700 X _____ people = $ __________

Non LLC Member Fee: $ 50 X _____ people = $ __________

Total Check Amount: $ __________ Check #: __________ Check Date: __________


TRIP CANCELLATION ● $50 non refundable service charge per person ● No Additional Penalty before March 1st

March 1st to April 1st - $50 + 50% penalty ● No Refund after April 1st, 2008


I agree to inform the Tour Group Leader of all charges and special requirements required. I understand that non-adherence

to the payment schedule and policies may result in penalties and/or cancellation(s).

Name (Please Print): __________________________

Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________________

Make checks payable to: JCCAA/LLC and send to:

Wendy Lam, 15922 Oak Island Drive, Tomball, TX 77377

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